car insurance | auto insurance in Nigeria
What are Auto Insurance Quotes?
An auto insurance quote will tell you approximately how much money it will cost to insure your vehicle. The overall value of your car, your age, your driving history and many other factors determine how much you will pay each month for coverage. Different insurance companies offer different insurance rates and a wide variety of […]
Top 10 Vehicle Insurance Tips
Go with a High Deductible Vehicle Insurance
If you save up and set aside some money to pay for a high deductible in the event of an accident, you will save money over the long term.
Opt Out of Towing Coverage
If you get basic collision coverage, towing costs are already covered if you get in […]
Third Party Insurance: Pros and Cons
Some car owners opt to get third party insurance instead of comprehensive coverage in order to save money, but they aren’t aware of the many negative consequences of going with the cheaper plan..
Third Party Insurance Benefits
Third party insurance allows drivers to meet the requirements of the law regarding insurance. It’s the most basic kind of […]
Protect Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself: Types of Insurance
The world of auto insurance can be difficult to penetrate because of all the unfamiliar words and phrases you may encounter along the way. If you intend to research and buy auto insurance yourself without the help of an expert, you will first need to familiarize yourself with all the different types of insurance available […]
Insurance Lingo 101: the Six Principles of Insurance
The best insurance companies follow the seven main principles of insurance. If you are in the market to buy insurance, familiarizing yourself with these concepts will help you understand the insurance company’s point of view before you sign on the dotted line.
Utmost Good Faith
The first and most important of the seven principles of insurance […]
How to Buy Insurance Online: 5 Easy Tips
Let’s face it: car insurance companies are in the business of making money. Insurance companies are more concerned with the bottom line than they are about helping you recover after an accident. So if you want to save money on your car insurance, it’s up to you to do the necessary homework to find out […]
Buyer Beware: How to Identify Fake Insurance Companies
Over the past several years, Nigeria’s National Insurance Commission (NAICOM) has recently been cracking down on fake insurance companies. Though many of the offenders have been shut down, there are still quite a few bad insurance companies out there to watch out for. Listed below are 5 tips you can use if you are in […]
Insurance in Nigeria: A Peep into the Nigerian Insurance Act
Know the Law
Drivers who venture onto the road without carrying the minimum amount of coverage face big fines and up to a year of prison time. Section 68 of the Insurance Act and Section 3 of the Motor Vehicle (Third Party) Insurance Act specifically states that it is illegal to use or allow anyone else […]
Auto Insurance in Nigeria: Know the Basics
In Nigeria, you can’t drive if you don’t have insurance. However, full coverage can be expensive. If you want to save money and you have enough savings to repair or replace your own car in the event of an accident, it may be wise to go with third party motor insurance.
Auto Insurance in Nigeria: Basic […]